; multi-segment executable file template. data segment ; add your data here! CR EQU 0x0D LF EQU 0x0A word dw "press any key....$" ;defining and inizializing byte db 11 dup(?) ;defining 11 bytes a_capo db CR,LF,'$' t_Word dw 10 dup(0) ;defining 10 words all inizialized at 0000 ends code segment start: ; set segment registers: mov ax, data mov ds, ax ; mov es, ax ; mov al,word ; don't compile !!! comment it, before to assemble mov bx,00h mov bx,word ; mov 'r' in bh and 'p' in bl LITTLE ENDIAN mov cx,word[4] ; moving word[4] ('s ') in cx LITTLE ENDIAN lea dx,word mov ah,09h int 21h ;move cursor to next line lea dx,a_capo mov ah,09 int 21h ;modify word[4] mov word[4],'QL' lea dx,word mov ah,09h int 21h mov ah, 1 int 21h mov ax, 4c00h ; exit to operating system. int 21h ends end start ; set entry point and stop the assembler.